day : 16/04/2018 4 results

If Russia launches a cyber attack on the UK, this is what we can do

As tensions rise with Russia, both over the Salisbury incident and the recent strikes on Syria, the risk of a serious cyber attack on the UK has gone up substantially. So, what do we expect?

Fonctionnaires : tous les syndicats appellent à la grève le 22 mai – Le Parisien

Ce sera la troisième journée de mobilisation dans la fonction publique. Les fonctionnaires veulent protester contre les plans de départ volontaire.

Démanteler Google : la menace se précise

La firme de Mountain View reste visée par deux enquêtes pour abus d

Russia launches cyber war on UK with ‘dirty tricks’ campaign as PM to face Commons over Syria strikes

Russia has launched a “dirty tricks” campaign against Britain and the US in the wake of the Syria airstrikes as Boris Johnson warned of the need to be prepared for retaliatory attacks.